“cuteftp hat geheimnisse ?”
Auf Noloks Blog gibt es einen interessanten Beitrag zum Thema “Was verheimlicht mir eine Software so” ^^ Es geht um CuteFTP von GlobalSCAPE.
Und zwar fand Nolok heraus, dass die IP Adresse des Benutzers in der Registry gespeichert wird. Wieso die sowas machen? Nolok wollte es auch wissen, und schrieb GlobalSCAPE eine Mail … dies kam dabei heraus:
Dear GlobalSCAPE team,
first of all, you did a really good job with your software. #Bisschen Honig ums Maul schmieren
I just feel like asking you a question.
On my search for Spyware and other stuff in my registry (Windows),
I found one little entry with my IP adress in GlobalSCAPE, CuteFTP.
My question is, for what reason is my IP adress located in the CuteFTP
registry folder?Sincerly,
Roberto Ezazza
Dear Mr. Ezazza,
Thank you for the feedback. I’m not sure why your IP address would be stored in
the registry. If you will tell me the full name of the registry key where you
found it, I may be able to tell.We do record your IP address when you activate the program so that might be it.
A more thorough explanation can be found in the Software Reporting section of
the privacy policy located here:
http://www.globalscape.com/company/privacy.aspxI hope this information helps. If you need anything else, please let us know.
“name entfernt”
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