My old blog still exists, but I also imported the old entries into this page.
My old blog still exists, but I also imported the old entries into this page.
ooooo ooo ooooo ooooo oooooooooo. `888b. `8' `888' `888' `888' `Y8b 8 `88b. 8 .ooooo. oooo oooo ooo 888 888 888 888 8 `88b. 8 d88' `88b `88. `88. .8' 888ooooo888 888 888 8 `88b.8 888ooo888 `88..]88..8' 888 888 888 888 8 `888 888 .o `888'`888' 888 888 888 d88' o8o `8 `Y8bod8P' `8' `8' o888o o888o o888bood8P' 888 888888 888 888 .d8888b. 888 o 888888 888 888 d88P Y88b 888 d8b 888888 888 888 .d88P
ooooo ooo ooooo ooooo oooooooooo. `888b. `8' `888' `888' `888' `Y8b 8 `88b. 8 .ooooo. oooo oooo ooo 888 888 888 888 8 `88b. 8 d88' `88b `88. `88. .8' 888ooooo888 888 888 8 `88b.8 888ooo888 `88..]88..8' 888 888 888 888 8 `888 888 .o `888'`888' 888 888 888 d88' o8o `8 `Y8bod8P' `8' `8' o888o o888o o888bood8P' 888 888888 888 888 .d8888b. 888 o 888888 888 888 d88P Y88b 888 d8b 888888 888 888 .d88P
The following two shell commands record sound from an ALSA capture device (aka. microphone), encode it using OPUS, send it to a second host as a raw UDP stream and decode and play it on that second host. Run two instances of this to achive real full-duplex communication! This is most probably how Richard Stallman does voice chats.
The first command (capturing, encoding, sending):
arecord - | opusenc --bitrate 16 --ignorelength --expect-loss 10 \
In theory, this is very easy: Just request the webradio using avconv
convert it to a wave file, pipe that into opusenc
, and pipe the result into
. Of cause, that doesn't actually work. The first problem is that the
required software is extremely new. I used the following:
(This blogpost is still work-in-progress)
Some months ago
had problems with their service, which caused me to
log into my
control panel to update my A record (
manually. Before that
made wildcard support a premium feature, so I
lost my wildcard entry when I updated the A record. I was seriously not amused.
I started to search for other dyndns providers, but did not find what I searched for, which is:
ooooooooooooo o8o o8o 8' 888 `8 `"' `"' 888 oooo ooo. .oo. .oo. oooo ooo. .oo. .oooooooo 888 `888 `888P"Y88bP"Y88b `888 `888P"Y88b 888' `88b 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 `88bod8P' o888o o888o o888o o888o o888o o888o o888o o888o `8oooooo. d" YD "Y88888P' .o. . . oooo .888. .o8 .o8 `888
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.oooooo. o8o . d8P' `Y8b `"' .o8 888 888 oooo oooo oooo .o888oo 888 888 `888 `888 `888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 `88b d88b 888 888 888 888 . `Y8bood8P'Ybd' `V88V"V8P' o888o "888" ooo ooooo `88. .888'
88b d88 88 888b d888 "" 88`8b d8'88 88 `8b d8' 88 ,adPPYba, 88 8b,dPPYba, 88 `8b d8' 88 a8P_____88 88 88P' `"8a 88 `8b d8' 88 8PP""""""" 88 88 88 88 `888' 88 "8b, ,aa 88 88 88 88 `8' 88 `"Ybbd8"' 88 88 88 88888888ba 88
oooooooooo. o8o `888' `Y8b `"' 888 888 .oooo. oooo d8b oooo oooo ooo oooo ooo. .oo. 888 888 `P )88b `888""8P `88. `88. .8' `888 `888P"Y88b 888 888 .oP"888 888 `88..]88..8' 888 888 888 888 d88' d8( 888 888 `888'`888' 888 888 888 o888bood8P' `Y888""8o d888b `8' `8' o888o o888o o888o ________________________________________________________________________________ Apples QuickTime Streaming Server (QTSS) wird nur für MacOSX angeboten und streamt H.264/MPEG-4, 3GPP und mp3 per RTSP. Weiterhin gibt es ein Tool namens
.oooooo. oooo d8P' `Y8b `888 888 .oooo. .ooooo. 888 .oo. .ooooo. 888 `P )88b d88' `"Y8 888P"Y88b d88' `88b 888 .oP"888 888 888 888 888ooo888 `88b ooo d8( 888 888 .o8 888 888 888 .o `Y8bood8P' `Y888""8o `Y8bod8P' o888o o888o `Y8bod8P' ooooo ooooo oooo `888' `888' `888